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The Field named Meadowdale Complex F1 is at the Location named Meadowdale Athletic Complex (MAC)

Meadowdale Athletic Complex (MAC)OpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Two turf fields with lights

Address, Area=Edmonds/Lynnwood
16700 66th Ave. W
Lynnwood, WA 98037
Google Map of the Vicinity OpenStreetMap
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Fields defined at this Location
  1. Meadowdale Complex F1 (Turf)
  2. Meadowdale Complex F2 (Turf)
Google Derived Travel Durations
171Big Finn Hill30 minutes
147Brighton Playfield40 minutes
138Canyon Park MS21 minutes
134Edmonds Community College10 minutes
148Evergreen Playfields15 minutes
88Ingraham HS23 minutes
113Jefferson35 minutes
127Kasch Park18 minutes
90Lower Woodland28 minutes
99Loyal Heights33 minutes
80Lynnwood HS18 minutes
93Magnuson Park34 minutes
122Meadowdale HS2 minutes
102North Creek Field 120 minutes
126North Creek HS25 minutes
81Shoreline Complex20 minutes
97Twin Ponds21 minutes
98Washington Park 32 minutes
114Woodinville Sports Field22 minutes
135Woodway Campus18 minutes